Thursday, June 18, 2009

Long Live the Crab

We had a bit of an ordeal today. I am grieved to report that on June 18, 2009, Jack Hilton’s beloved crab was killed. Ok…so it may not seem like that big of a deal, but to a 7 year old, the death of a pet is traumatic. Although this wasn’t the first pet that Jack had seen die, it was the first pet that was HIS that has passed away. And can I just say, as gross as that little red thing was, Jack loved it. Being like a mini zoo keeper, he earned it (along with another little different type of crab) as his kindergarten graduation present. And he has been infatuated with them ever since. So, when I came in from work today and heard, my heart went out to him. Its hard to watch a little kid deal with the concept of death, even if it is just a crab. Because to Jack, the crab was his responsibility, his friend. Its truly a deep thing to behold. There is nothing more genuine than the emotion of a child. You can see exactly what’s on their hearts by looking at their faces….But then of course, with promises of a brand new crab, the sorrow etched across his face was replaced with excitement for the new that’s to come. And all sad thoughts of what was lost is forgotten. *sigh. If only it was that easy as you get older..... Oh well. That was my little deep contemplation for the day. Guess what? Only one class left of Jr. Seminar tomorrow! And I’m PUMPED!!!


  1. Aw that really is sad! I can simpathize... when I was really young I caught a big fire ant and decided to name him "firery". later that day I realized that it could not possibly be comfortable to be a "fire" ant so I decided to "Put the fire out" (seriously). as you can imagine (and much to my dismay) firey did not survive the procedure. I was deppressed for like a whole day and a half...


  2. haha awww. thats so sad. and yet funny...
