Thursday, August 20, 2009

Not So Much- The Europe Experience

To continue the debrief of my two week adventure overseas, I have decided to compile a list of the top ten “No’s” of the trip. These are the things that annoyed be beyond belief/ things that I really could have done without…drum role please.
-TOP TEN “NO THANK YOU’S” OF EUROPE(in no particular order of bad)-
1. Smoking- I don’t know why, but in Europe, EVERYONE smokes. From 12 yr. old kids, to little old ladies, they all walk around with cigarettes. I probably got lung cancer from all that second hand smoke…no joke.
2. Money- Europe is far to expensive. But what can you do? That’s right. Nothing. So, suck it up. and pay.
3. The Food- haggis, hockey- puck like blood pudding, stewed mushrooms for breakfast, and prawn chips…all get the gag reflex going with just their aromas. And speaking of food…
4. Sketch restraints- like Chinese food in Scotland. That’s not even a good sounding idea in theory…
5. The traffic- its insane!!! The whole “pedestrians have the right of way” rule is totally nonexistent. Kids almost getting hit by the big red busses was a daily occurrence.
6. The weather- you would think that a nice chilly wind would be a nice change of pace from boiling charlotte. But not really- London was in the high 90’s, and Scotland…well, I don’t even know. It was so unpredictable. We’d have heat waves, rain storms, cold fronts, and 40mph winds all in the same day. It could give you some serious whiplash.
7. The train- I didn’t like it. I’m sure it partially had to do with the whole 5 hour trip turns into 7 hours, and the fact that we had no food, but still. Just not great. Lurchy, hot, not comfy…
8. The cussing. This was just one of those cultural things. Everyone in Europe seemed to have a trash mouth, And ok, sometimes it was funny to get cussed by a little scotish man about starbucks coffee. But the rest of the time it seemed unnecessary. Every other word…really?
9. The waiting- I found that you had to wait everywhere- bathrooms, restaurants, shops, bus stops. You had to allot at least 15 minutes of buffer “standing in line” or “Queing Up” time. Its just so crowded over there.
10. The attitude- ah stereotypes.No matter where you went, Europeans always looked at you as “Loud Americans”, and were uber disdainful towards us.

*Honerable mentions: Landing in airplanes, and having your ears pop, Europe’s excuse for bacon (like glorified ham), and dirty public bathrooms that you had to pay to use.

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