Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Facebook Facts

I have a problem...well, its not necessarily a problem, but more of a distraction. FACEBOOK. Yup, this cyber communication site is starting to turn into an obsession for me. Why? Let me just tell you why- the people who invented facebook must be serious creepers, because facebook is literally the ULTIMATE stalking device. Status updates, live news feeds, and continuous photo album and video updates make it impossible for you NOT to know what all of your friends are up to on a Wednesday night. And if the nosey-ness doesn't draw you to the site, there's the whole application thing. Little games, quizzes, or surveys that have "time killer" written all over them. And I swear, if I get another "Farmville" invitation, so help me I will hurt whoever sent it! No not really...Personal application weaknesses: Pieces of flair, Social interview, and "Friends" trivia. Also, the site is powerful- after all nothing in life is "official" until its "facebook official". And if thats not enough, there's Email via facebook, and groups that you can join, notes you can fill out, and things that you can "become a fan" just never ends! And the real problem of it is that the site is so stinking convenient. Type in your password, and boom there it is! Your sealing the fate of several hours of your afternoon...Of course, I know it sounds like I have no life and spend my entire life on the internet. Not true. I actually multi-task while on facebook (having one window with the FB open, and then another open working on homework or blogging, or garage band), but still. Is this kind of up close and personal obsession with having to be up in other peoples business healthy? I ask you, IS IT!?!? Of course, it is good for staying connected with friends and family, and getting messages to large groups out fast...oh the pros and cons. Anyway, this post is more of an open brainstorm for myself to remember the trivial-ness of this site called facebook. But then again it could be worse- I could have a twitter ;)

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