Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Gettin' By with a Little Help From My Friends

Oh goodness. So, “By Grace” practice? Where to start….First off, I haven’t been this sore/exhausted/ stressed in a loooong time. You would think that after spending a bajillion summers down at CPCC putting shows together in two weeks, I would be used to it. But nope. We’re talking practices lasting from 9:00am to 4:30ish pm for the last week and a half. Its been quite taxing. Not to mention the whole being sore thing (due to the crazy ballet that I have to do that I am so NOT in shape for. Oh Joy…) Plus, what with it being a new musical, we’re cutting, adding, moving, and fixing lines and songs left and right. To top it off, I play two parts in the show, thus resulting in 7 (maybe more???) full costume and wig changes through the course of an hour and a half show. I can barely keep my head on straight as to who I am when I go on. And all of this is set off by the fact that the director is the writer/lyricist of the show. Therefore, mistakes in line delivery or interp are NOT appreciated. Needless to say, the entire cast is a tad bit…*ahem. Overwhelmed. But everyone is really working super hard. That’s the great thing about our wonderfully eclectic cast- we’re all about the teamwork. And speaking of the cast, can I just say, the wonderful friendships I have gained/strengthened is what has made this week bearable….like my brilliant new freshman friends Lynn and Marta. Lynn is playing the slightly crazed, but elegant movie star Rita Gam, and she pulls it off with such style. But hey, if that gorgeous black dress fits, wear it! And “wear it” she does! And Marta (aka my other twin) is our horribly bratty, yet loveable school girl in our little show. Currently she is off cheerleading. I guess I’ll let that one slide…just kidding. Both girls are so incredibly hilarious, nosey, and insane. And I love it :) Cudos to them. Then, there’s Brewington, who can single handedly make the ugliest wig in the world look awesome. Other scene partners include the comic relieving Carson, and the adorable Katy, who together make a great team onstage. Karin and Erin are two of our seamstresses, and both are doing a marvelous job with scenes that are very close to my heart. Furthermore, I have never heard someone say “undershirts” quite like Matthew. And of course my good buddy Jay has the hardest job of all- he has to put up with me in BOTH of my 2 characters storylines. Which is quite the chore. But then again, he should probably be used to it by now. Never the less, we pull it off in yet another show this year. So I’m thinking more cudos are in order. Lastly, there is my astonishing and mega-talented twin sister Polly, who is single-handedly stealing the show from everyone. Being a lead, this week has been full of ups and downs for her. But as always she has risen to the occasion with such grace. Fitting, being as the show is titled “By Grace”…But really, I could probably write 5 pages about everyone and everything, but there just isn’t time. More practice in the morning, with the addition of Cory after a week long absence. It’ll be great to have her back. If your interested in seeing our little production, we’re doing a show next Monday…I mentioned earlier. But let me know if your coming!

Friday, July 24, 2009

"Standing By Grace- Thats Me"

Its been on tiring week… By Grace practices have started! And can I just say- putting on a show in two weeks is one heck of a challenge! But we’re actually doing just fine. We’ve been running through the show the past few days, and its something special. The songs are infectious, and the characters are coming alive line by line. And the cast we have is awesome too! Everyone is focused and ready to go (except when prop boxes full of glasses are involved…). All I can say is, GET READY FRINGE FESTIVAL! Oh and one more thing- if you wanna see this show before we head overseas to perform, just let me know, because we’re doing a practice dress rehearsal sometime next week…

Monday, July 20, 2009

Any Dream is Possible; Wishes Do Come True

By now, I’m sure that the 3 people that actually read this think I have fallen off the face of the earth…sorry to disappoint. Actually, I’ve been out the past week partyin’ it up Disney World style for the 17th birthday. It was epic. I could write for weeks on the topic. But, don’t fear- I won’t torture you all THAT much! Instead, I’m gonna highlight some of the things I learned/enjoyed/realized while on the trip or personal opinions about all things Disney oriented. So enjoy!
-A friend of mine once stated that Disney smells like “popcorn, magic, and Mickey Mouse all rolled together.” At the time, I laughed. Now I know she was spot on in her analysis. Think about it the next time you visit…
- Only at Walt Disney World, can a person go trek to the top of Mt. Everest, travel to the future, and tour the entire world all in one afternoon.
-Although it is the most magical place on earth, some of the employees you encounter will NOT be in the “magical mood” as it were…more like grumpy from the seven dwarves.
- Contrary to popular belief, Disney is NOT perfect. In our time there, 6 rides broke, Mickey missed his entrance in the show Fantasmic thus stopping the show for 10 min, and we even saw people throw up on the premises. So yes, it is still the real world.
- Even though it is the happiest place on earth, it is not impossible to find yourself sobbing in the middle of a park for stupid reasons…
- Parents who bring tiny kids to Disney are setting themselves up for failure.
-Pineapple Dole Whip is not to be missed by a park-goer. It is the best. The end.
-There is NOTHING better than sharing a birthday with a twin. I used to feel gypped because I thought it wasn’t fair that I didn’t get a birthday all to myself. Now, complete opposite. Twins have better birthdays. Thanks Polly for another amazing one this year :)
- The power of television (like, the affect it has over people, and how fast news spreads through it) is staggering.
-Disney has the ability to make you feel about 5 years old, and not even care.
- Have you ever wondered what goes on in the park after dark??? Hmmm…I’ve started to…
- The “It’s a Small World After All” song in my opinion, could be used as effective torture.
-I wish more than anything that Neverland was a real place, and that Peter Pan would show up with Tinkerbell and their flying ship and take me there someday.
-If you ever have the chance to try out for The American Idol Experience, do it! Don’t even second guess…you won’t regret it.
-You see every type of person at the Disney Parks. It is the best place to people watch.
- At the same time, you hear every type of accent as well....yes, I was in heaven.
-One day, I will work at Disney in a show/parade. And it will be fabulous.
-Everything is wayyyyy to expensive.
-You can forget your problems at Disney. “no matter how your heart is grieving” and all that…
- Disney World is the hardest place to leave…but at least when you get home, you’re still drunk on Mickey Mouse for a while.
-I want to go back, like, NOW.
…So, as you can see, I’m a tad bit obsessed. Ah well. The trip was exactly what I needed. Anywhoo. I’m back, and will be writing more this week, I assure you.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Bless the Lord- With All My Soul I Cry Out

I can’t stop smiling. Yesterday was just…epic. There never has been, and never will be a Sunday like it ever again. As I mentioned in my previous post, yesterday was the release date of Elevation’s new worship CD “God With Us”. Being a volunteer, I’ve had the CD for two weeks now. And can I just say, after listening, and loving it, I’ve just gotta brag on our amazing worship leaders for a minute. This CD is the best one yet!!! All of the music on it is original, and 100% God motivated. Each song is a unique worship experience that makes it impossible to pick out a “favorite song”. Some of the stories of the songs were explained yesterday during service, and that just adds to the awesome-ness of it as well. I am so inspired by the amazing talent God has blessed Mack, Chris, and Wade with over the past year, and am so excited to see how the CD touches lives. So anyhow, yesterday was the public release of the CD. And of course, Elevation decided to do it up right this Independence Day weekend- we’re talking CD’s, free hotdogs, cotton candy, snow cones, lemonade, popcorn, peanuts, and celebration. It was a party that no one wanted to miss! And what made it even better, was that all of the proceeds of the CDs sold were going to the Children’s Place (a charity downtown…look it up!)…as part of the service yesterday, many teenage volunteers were asked to “storm the stage” and worship with the leaders during their set. Everyone hoped that by having many of us onstage, those at church would feel free to worship right along with us, and not feel awkward or whatever. I signed up to help for this several weeks ago when I first found out about it. And as it turned out, I was assigned to “storm the stage” at Butler, as well as be the “leader” of the group there. Since I go to Providence, I was worried that I wouldn’t know anyone, and it would be weird me leading and all. I was right- I didn’t know a soul in the group. But that changed automatically. That group at Butler has got it goin’ on! They were all so friendly, and helpful, and needed no leading whatsoever. I got a ton of new friendships out of it. And as far as the storming the stage part? Yeah. amazing. I have never sung so loud in my life. It was pretty much surreal. When I got off the stage every time I had to remind myself of what had just happened. You would think that being up there, you would be really aware of people watching you or whatever. But in reality, I’ve never been so unaware in my life. I was in my own little world with my audience of one... I worked at both services in the morning, and was also blessed to be a part of the volunteer event as well. And that was fantastic. Never in my life have I felt God so alive in a place. I think that what was experienced yesterday was a taste of what heavenly celebrations will be like, or at least, that’s what I hope. Clearly, I could go on, and on, and on about it… if you didn’t get to experience it, drop by to Elevation this week. We’re starting a new series, so you won’t be out of the loop. And you can pick up a CD! After all, its for a good cause. Can’t wait to see you there!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

God Bless America, BBQ, and 7 Hour Work Days

It hurts to even type this. I have been standing on my feet since 9:45 this morning. I can honestly say, I haven’t worked that hard in a LOOOONNNG time. The pool was the usual insanity this 4th of July. And I had to work all day, since so many staffers are out of town having a blast, unlike us stuck here this week. So, it was just me and my buddy Jane- Cleaning tables, selling, taking out way to much trash, cooking, running to help find band-aids, busting kids for stealing (oh yes. STEALING), take phone calls…just a taste of my 4th of July this year. Its gonna go down in the books. There were only three things that got me through. 1- Being a staff member working on a holiday, I got free lunch. It was catered, and delicious! BBQ, hot dogs, chicken, slaw, potatoes, brownies, chips, pickles, tea- all you could eat for free! That was a good perk. 2- As is annual tradition, the snack bar staff/lifeguards got to judge the belly flop contest. And maybe it’s just because of the long day, but I especially enjoyed watching people inflict pain on themselves by flopping off the high dive. Mean? Maybe. But VERY entertaining. 3- All day I was so excited about church tomorrow. Like, you have no idea. I’m counting down the hours. Because tomorrow is the huge new CD release at Elevation. And if that isn’t enough, I’m also getting to be a part of the Services at butler…but wait! That’s not all! Tomorrow night, there’s a volunteer event as well…so yeah. That’s what got me through the day today…Can’t wait to share about what happens tomorrow at church. But right now, I’m really quite beat…I need a massage, or a hug. Or maybe both…