Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Competition Has Come

Oh man...Ready or not. Here it comes. The moment we've been working so hard for. COMPETITION WEEK. Thats right, ladies and gentlemen, Act One leaves for regionals at 6:30 Friday morning. Its crazy, I know. It feels like its been a marathon to get to this point- what with our competition weekend getting switched, the whole losing a week of practice thing, and sudden outbreaks of sickness among team members (including swine flu! Thank God for hand sanitizer) its a miracle we've made it to this point. We still have a few more practices before its show time, which is a big plus as far as prep is concerned. Anyway, just wanted to check in and let all you avid readers know whats going on! And looking ahead, I think competition could go either way- really awesome, or not so great....but we're all gonna have fun with it no matter the outcome. Because thats all you can really do. P.S- could use some prayer this weekend! We'll be the only Christian school representing at this competition. Talk about a ministry opportunity!

Monday, October 26, 2009


I've noticed something. And it bothers me. ALOT. Our community is preoccupied. With todays world of social activity and technology, whether it be ipods, cell phones, laptops, radio, or whatever, no one ever just listens to people talk anymore. Its infuriating. Maybe its just me, but every time I open my mouth to say something it feels like I'm interrupted by someone having to "tweet that" or "finish this song" or "talk to someone more important than you at THIS VERY SECOND". Another common occurrence in my day to day is this- I'll be talking to someone, and then out of nowhere, they'll just turn their backs and rush off to see or talk to someone else. Why? Because people are in their own little universes, and can't be put off track by what you have to say. We are so absorbed with multi- tasking and staying busy, that we miss so much. I don't think anyone has heard a word I've said for the past several months- and those of you that sit down and read blogs, well, your the exception to this rule. But the rest of you that happen to stumble across this- I know exactly what your thinking: "Who is she to talk? She probably does the same thing." And you're absolutely right. But due to my current circumstances, I haven't had an ipod in 4 months, and texting is a rarity for me. And thats when I made this little realization, and I vowed to try to do better about being so caught up. And the funny thing was, as I tried I realized the full impact of the situation. Because when you try to get a sentence out 8 times and can't because no one cares to come out of their own little universe and listen, then you know we're getting towards rock bottom. So, say hello to people tomorrow- Don't just pass them by. And keep tweeting to a minimum. And think twice before blowing off someone trying to have a conversation with never know. It could end up being exactly what you need to hear.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Family Blessing

Every fall, the Haigler family ( Thats mom's side. Hence the other last name) all come up to Charlotte for "the annual family reunion". We all joke and say its to earn our "Family 15", because all we ever do is talk and eat. Really thats it- three days of concentrated gluttony. And can I just say, no family can do it up like the Haigler clan. We're talking smoked Alaskan salmon and shrimp from Uncle Dane from Alaska, fresh blueberry crumble made with mountain blueberries, turnips, grilled chicken and pulled pork brought in from Spoons, my mom's pasta salad, hash brown casserole that gives the Cracker Barrel a run for its money, mountain cheese grits, potato salad, Coconut cake, Swiss chocolate cake, Etc. Etc. Etc! All in one glorious weekend... But the eating isn't totally uncalled for, because the reason we get together is far more important- Each year, we get together to celebrate my great grandmother- we called her Mudder. She died a few years ago, but it is truly a life worth celebrating- she was 96!!! So, needless to say, the weekend is always full of funny stories about a lady who I spent most of my child hood with. Also, this year we had even more to celebrate- a sweet lady who has been very special to our family- Annie May, my great grandmother's best friend and housekeeper- just turned 95! So it was a celebration/birthday bash!!! I'm sitting here on the couch surrounded by all my family, some of whom I don't even know, and I'm feeling super loved. Because, not many families are blessed with the chance to get together every year like we are. And for the most part, we all get along so well! Its just been a weekend full of laughs (thanks to Uncle Bob), secrets (thanks to the cousins!), and smiles from everyone. The party's about to wind down I think...sad. But I guess I'll just have to look forward to next year even more now! So, even though I'm about to bust from all the food and fun, I'm also chock full of joy. God is so good :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Costume Help!

As it turns out, I'm gonna end up having a Halloween after all- I'm going to a party that requires costumes thats not actually on Halloween. YAY! This holiday isn't gonna be a total bust now...but this leaves me with a very serious question- What am I going to be for this costume party? I've got a few ideas, but I'm totally open to suggestions. After all, I love Halloween, and a fabulous costume is an absolute must. Here are my ideas so far-
  • Dress up as Emma from "Glee". The pros of dressing up as Emma are that I wouldn't have to buy much, and I have the haircut and green eyes to match. But on the other hand, I wonder if anyone would get it...hmm
  • Dress up as a "Mouseketeer". Pros? It would be easy- I have the mickey ears! Cons? Kinda boring.
  • Dress up as a hippie. Gotta love the boho hippie style, and I'm loving "Hair: The Musical" right now, so it fits...can't think of a con of this one.
Anyway, thats what I've got so far...but none seem quite right. So enthusiastic blog readers- HELP!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

For Your Consideration Part 2

Recent Findings:

Song I Love: "Haven't Met You Yet" by Michael Buble
Snack Of Choice: Chocolate Covered Pretzels
Sad Realization: No Halloween for me, thanks to Act 1 competitions....*sigh
Literary readings: Little Women... Kinda have to, for school.
Current Excitement: Oppertunities arising that I didn't necessarily see coming- Will they work out? Ehhh I don't know. But you know what I love, love, love about it? The chance to learn. That in itself is a blast...yeah, such a nerd, I know.
Drink of Choice: Hot peach tea with honey. mmmm...
Current Favorite Pastime: Spontaneous movie parties.
Anticipating: Glee tonight, decisions to be made, auditions...Christmas :)
Movie Surprise: The Proposal. Surprisingly good- rent it!
Frustration: Missing school tomorrow because of French.
Disappointment: Maddison missing school because of ISS (totally kidding- not about the ISS part, just about the disappointment! I'm not THAT disappointed...)
Tasks at hand: Create a bulletin board that is sheer brilliance for the fine arts building.
Growing trend: Blogging! Its true! so many friends of mine are new bloggers. YAY!
Current Quote: " We are all programmed to believe that if a guy acts like a total jerk that means he likes you."- He's Just Not That Into You
Outlook on life: Hopeful

Thursday, October 15, 2009

No Biz Like Showbiz

So I've been thinking this week, and somewhere down the line I got to reminiscing about the previous shows I've done. And during this little journey down memory lane, I came to three conclusions- 1) That there isn't a year that I haven't done at LEAST 2 shows since I was in 3rd grade. Basically there are few times in my life that I can look back on and say "Hey I wasn't in a musical/play/ballet then..." and I don't mind that in the least bit. I guess that goes to show just how much I love what I do. I mean hey, in what other pastime do you get the chance to do things like get adopted, die, get married four times, poison people, be a villain, move to a new city, or play a mythical dragon and a baby duck- all the while having the chance burst into song at random intervals?!? 2) If I went back in time, chances are, I could do a much better job with some of the roles I've had in previous productions if I had the chance. Life experience is a key part to being able to relate to a role. And lets be honest- what 8th grader can relate to the troubles of Tzeitel, a jewish girl who only wants to marry the guy she loves, and not the man the matchmaker picked for her? I know I couldn't. Or what about Abby Brewster, old yet dangerous murderess who is only trying to "help" those that are all alone? Again, not little 7th grade me. So, I guess I would love to go back in time and visit Abby, or Tzeitel, or even Bella Cohen again. I think maybe now I could do their personas a little more justice. And 3) Theatre is the most academic thing ever. The overflowing pool of knowledge I have gained is priceless- I can name all the counties of Iowa thanks to the Music Man. The great depression and Herbert Hoover are second nature thanks to Annie. And I will never lose the color category in "scategories" thanks to Joseph's awesome coat of many colors. Thats just naming a few of the nuggets of wisdom I've earned.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pet Drama: Take Two!

Forever ago, I posted about my little brother and the devastating loss of his pet crab, remember? If not, go back and read it. Actually its one of my most popular posts, so you won't be wasting your time...but ANYWAY- the pet adventures continue in the Hilton house. To replace the dear departed crab, my mom promptly replaced the crab with another little critter of Jack's choosing. It just so happened, that Jack chose a newt. A little, gross, slimy, black and red newt. It's been the epitome of disgusting what with the cleaning of the aquarium and the feeding of bloodworms (yes bloodworms. Be thankful your little brother isn't obsessed with strange little animals like mine is.) But as disgusting as this newt has been, my brother has loved it. And in his defense, he has taken care of it all by himself. So anywhoo- I'm up in my room yesterday when I hear this gutbusting cry from the kitchen. I rush in and find Jack sobbing, and the aquarium....empty. From what we can gather, Jack accidentally left the top of the terrarium open, and his little newt friend seized the opportunity to escape. The newt can climb, but has never reallllly climbed before. But I guess there's a first time for everything. Our entire family promptly started a thorough search of the kitchen, but no luck. I'm not gonna lie- it was pretty funny, all of us looking for a little critter and Jack ordering us around all the while. My guess? It fell down the drain of the kitchen sink. But whatever. Long story short, Jack's newt is MIA (and probably will remain MIA forever). He was so upset. Think the crab upset x10000. Because this time it was totally his fault. But oh well- lesson learned I guess. Currently he is researching different types of lizards to buy. Lizards? Really? My house is a zoo...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Real Men are Chivalrous

The past three days I have really noticed something that I just HAVE to share here- the modern day boy has NO CLUE of the importance of chivalry in their day-to-day lives. Like really, they have zero idea. In fact, they don't even know what the word means- let me clarify it. Webster says that "Chivalry" is the sum of ideal qualifications of knighthood including generosity, courtesy, and valor. Now, thats a bit much with the whole "knighthood bit", but the base definition  is clear enough. To bad guys don't seem to see the value of it. This conversation has come up three times this week with different groups of people, and every time the guys are all like "Chivalry!?!? Whatever..." But heres the thing. All the girls I have talked to all agree- a guy earns MAJOR points in a girls mind for being chivalrous. I'm not talking crazy out-of-the way stuff either. I'm talking little stuff like letting a girl go in front during the lunch line, stacking her chair for her at the table in the cafeteria, or actually telling her that she looks nice or did a good job or whatever. And can I just say, there is nothing that is more attractive to a girl than a guy that holds the door open for her. Is that really so hard? Nope. Not in the least. You have nothing to lose, you can only gain from chivalry. In fact, guys that are chivalrous are usually considered nicer, more respectful, and "better guys" than those that are to lazy to be chivalrous. Now on the opposite side, guys that go over the top are just as bad as the guys that are unchivalrous. Girls aren't invalids after all... Just find the happy balance! And girls, accept the chivalry. I am one who likes to be independent, but accepting the gesture is half of it right there. So fellas', thats the challenge for the week- CHIVALRY! Real men are chivalrous, after all. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Thats What Best Friends Do

My friends rock. Like really. No joke, I think I have the best friends in the world. Yup, even better than your friends... Would any of your friends just hop on over to your house on a random Monday night for a Hugh Jackman movie fest complete with ice cream and the new TV just "because"? Thats what I thought. But really though- I have been SO blessed by the people that God has placed in my life since starting high school. Looking back, I realize how easy it could have been to slip on into a new high school and not be accepted into a group of "lifers" at CCS my freshman year. But that didn't happen. Instead I got a chance to meet an eclectic yet brilliant group of people who aren't afraid to have fun or "tell you how it is." My friends are crazy, passionate, goofy, and talented in many different areas that its hard not to brag on them all the time. They listen (well...most of the time anyway.) and always offer their advice, even if its not what I want to hear. Also, with my group of friends, I am constantly under a state of peer pressure- but in a good way! We keep each other motivated and out of trouble, which is a huge plus. And of course, none of us are afraid to be spontaneous- pancake house run on a random Wednesday? No problem. Going to two movies back to back on a school night? Done. Eating a big meal at California Pizza Kitchen, then spending money on random items at South Park Mall? A must do. And late night Hugh Jackman movie viewings? Those happen all the time! But you know what the BEST thing is about my group of friends? We're not exclusive. ANYONE can hang out with us- I'm talking band members, cross country stars, theatre geeks, basketball maniacs, smarty-pants people, and basically any other stereotypical student imaginable. We are the "unplaceable clique", and we love it! Come visit us at our lunch table(s) and find out!... This was a tad random. But then again, so was our movie party. And those kind of things are what make life exciting. So, have a very random and exciting day! I know I will. 

Monday, October 5, 2009

Along the Way

I don't really know where to was a weird weekend. Lots happened, lots didn't happen, lots of surprises... just lots of life. It was a bit of overload if you ask me. But I suppose its just stuff you have to deal with along the way-Like I mentioned earlier, this past Saturday, we finished our little run of shows. Along the way, I had a severe allergic reaction to something (still don't know what) and had all the "drama mammas" all over me freaking out. Thankfully it wasn't too severe, and I was able to finish the final show. Thank goodness. But more important than my mini medical emergency, along the way I realized several things through the course of the weekend. First, its stupid to care or be concerned about what someone is thinking of you when it comes to performing. What you have to remember is that the important audience is God, and as long as he's in the audience you have a fan! So the main thing is to have fun with it, not get all self conscious over who might be sitting right in front of you as you sing about "bravery, brawn, brains, and attitude". Second, I realized that along the way, unexpected surprises may pop in at any given second. Its up to you to make the best of them... Third, along the way there will be rainy days. But a wise friend once wrote in my yearbook "you can't appreciate the sunshine without the rain". She was so very right. Cheesy, but right. Fourth, along the way, some things never change. As much as you want them to, they just don't. But no sense getting disappointed over it when deep down you knew they wouldn't anyway. And finally, I realized that along the way, you have to let it go. Because the fact of the matter is, that as much as you wish things would be different, reality has other ideas. And as much as it hurts, moving along your own way is better than waiting in the "land of what might have been." Living is far more important and worthwhile than stewing over what happened months ago. Moreover, along the way, new adventures arise- like college! The big college fair was yesterday, and it was overwhelming/frightening/exciting/crazy all at the same time! It has all us CCS juniors looking to the future, which is an interesting prospect to say the least....deep? It kinda is. But then again, that was the weekend I had. It was a lot to take in, thats for sure. But I guess, thats just what the Lord is teaching me along the way.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Survival of the Fittest

Whew! I feel like I've been running a never ending marathon this week!!! What with going to endless rehearsals, cramming memorization sessions, and completing the never ending mountain of homework, I've hardly had time to stop and catch my breath. But I made it! Our shows opened last night, and from the accolades received today from the student body, it seems like our team pulled it off. Thanks for all of those that thought of our group this week. Act I was pretty stressful, and we all had our share of meltdown moments.We're talking crying, bad attitudes, sickness, and all types of other mishaps. But in the long run, the hard work paid off when we were able to put on a good first performance last night. Mulan was better than it had ever been, and 12th Night ran smoothly as well. And they can only get better from a month when we go to competition, they will be a force to be reckoned with, let me tell you! Anyway, we have two shows tomorrow, so I've gotta busy Saturday ahead. Can't wait...and one last thing- HAPPY OCTOBER!!!!