Friday, March 5, 2010

Bits N' Pieces

Ready for some serious word vomit? Cuz its about to be up-chucked all over this post. I don't really have any one thing in particular to blog about today...just a ton of random tidbits. Get excited. First, if per chance you are in the midst of searching for a prom dress, no not wast your time at Carolina Place mall. There isn't anything there. Second, if anyone has Spider-Man 3 (although I wouldn't expect any of you to own it, since it was a pretty horrible movie.) I would really like to borrow it. I haven't seen it since it was in theaters, and I am haunted by a line from the move that I can't recall. Its one of those little one-liners that James Franco as Harry throws in at some point. DRIVING. ME. CRAZY. Third, I have a task for you. Go to your itunes. Pick a super dorky song that you know reasonably well. Play it, and do a random dance. If there are friends available, let them get in on the random dancing spree. I swear it will make you feel like you won the lottery. Trust me. Fourth, there is this awesome website that has these Disney princess inspired dresses (not tacky, just super expensive) that allowed me to have a moment of nostalgia this afternoon. And speaking of Disney, why can't life be like a Disney movie- fantastic hair every day, a prince charming to sweep off your feet, random song outbursts, and singing woodland creatures. That would be point 5 of the word puke. Sixth, you are never to old to dress up like a bunny and go to a movie premier at midnight. Point proven by a group of 50 year old women at the Alice and Wonderland premiere last evening. Seventh, it has been concluded that the "Star Wars" theme music is the official national anthem for nerds everywhere. Just thought I'd inform you of that. Told you it would be all over the place today...

Friday, February 26, 2010

What You Missed

This week at school has been unique for several reasons. But atop the list of reasons is the fact that around 100 Juniors were MIA this week due to a Harvard Model Congress field trip. I know what many of you are wondering- "Why on earth didn't you go with them?" And to that I would reply "The cost my dear, ignorant friend." I'm not gonna lie, I was disappointed to not be going... but I shouldn't have been. Because, boy, have those 100 juniors missed out this week!
- Thanks to them, school was a joke from Wed. to Fri. We literally did nothing of value. I experienced apathy for the very first time. I'm talking zero motivation... It was weird.
- Also thanks to them, Choir got canceled on Thursday. I got up at 7:00 and was at school by 8:00. It was a record.
- They missed out on the CIA marathon we enjoyed in Chemistry. It was epic.
- They missed "story time" in several classes. They'll never know a particular proposal story, which teacher has a mean cussing problem, a super freaky demon story, or about the time that Mr. Henson was practically killed by an enraged Grandpa with a shotgun.
- They also missed the privileges we got- smaller classes (SOO FUN!), no real wait in the lunch line, and no super crowded halls.
- They allowed for several tests/assignments to be postponed. Thanks!
- They missed an epic Q&A with Mrs. Szymborski that wasn't even scheduled. She just loves us THAT much.
- They missed some pretty crucial lunch conversations, like the one today- all about worms! Yummy. And they missed me cramming an entire fruit roll up in my mouth at one time.
- They missed the opportunity to go out tonight and have a blast. Oh man, its gonna be fantastically spontaneous partying, of that I am sure...
And that's not even all. As you can see Harvard peeps, all hell broke lose while you were away. Sorry you missed out on the madness. But I'm sure you had a blast passing bills and sitting in meetings all day. That totally beats MLIA jokes, cinnamon rolls, ordering pizza in class, hearing all about the 6 languages that Mrs. Szymborski speaks, and amazing Friday night plans...or does it? ☺

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

La La Land

Nope, I haven't died. I've just been so very caught up in a creative whirlwind, I haven't had a chance to blog... Think the Twilight Zone geared towards artistic kids. Thats where I am. And how did I arrive? By way of some killer books, thought provoking movies, and finding amazing undiscovered talents on Itunes these past two weeks. Then theres also the whole "digging deeper into rehersals" with Little Women, and working on a new classical piece in vocal tech. And to answer the question already being pondered, "No. I DON'T have time to be trapped in "Creative Land" at the moment. But here I am- with "Macbeth" and a pink highlighter in one hand, and "The Time Travellers Wife" in the other, while my i-pod plays the best of Radiohead, Lady GaGa, and Corrinne Bailey Rae. In this land, I have witnessed a Broadway musical via television (Rent: Live on Stage), heard heartfelt guitar solos, worked hard at "going organic" in scene work, analyzed soliloquies, seen an impressive rendition of Miss Saigon at CATA (one of my best friends STOLE that show with his stellar vocal chops. Get it Brandon!), and started writing creatively again. I don't know when I will leave this mystical land, where there aren't enough hours in a day to let your mind roam...but hopefully I'll stay a while.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

For Your Consideration: The Fifth!

Recent Findings-
Current Accomplishment: Placing in the Shakespeare Recitation Competition yesterday.
Thing That Trumps My Current Accomplishment: Polly placing 3rd. Yeah, I know. She's a beast.
Heathy Snack: Honey drops from EarthFare.
Obsession: The Olympics. I know, I'm such a a dork. But I haven't missed much of the action.
Physical Ailment: I scratched my eye. I didn't even know that was possible, but I managed to do it. I hope none of you experience this anytime soon.
Aggravations: The lack of heat in our first story, and the surplus of tests I have to make up due to missing several days of school thanks to field trips.
Happy Surprises: Snow days!
Quickly approaching events: The opening of Little Women, SPRING BREAK, summer auditions and....prom. I mean really?
Current Fear: Practicing for vocal tech. Yikes.
Recent Movie Enjoyments: "Adam", "The Time Traveler's Wife", "Whip It", "Doubt" (thanks to the snow days!)
Musical Enjoyment: Jason Reeves- Look up his song "Wishing Weed". Trust me. You will not be disappointed.
Things I Want: Tickets to Michael Buble's Concert, and Sutton Foster's Concert!
Things I Don't Want (at all!): That horrible sickness thats going around. Cough, sore throat, gunk in the chest, headaches... sound familiar? Don't give it to me!
Trouble Maker: The application that is called Formspring. Don't follow the crowd and get one.
Change of Plans: My Dad's mssion trip to the Dominican Republic got canceled due to the congestion of airlines involving the Haiti crisis. Keep Haiti in your prayers.
Books I'm About to Start: Macbeth, Princess Forever (Last Princess Its the end of an era), and finishing "The Last Song".
What I'm Currently Doing: Procrastinating! Not good! Must Dash! More Later!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine's Tainted

Valentines Day has always been a weird holiday for me. I couldn't tell you why exactly, but its true. Without fail, whenever February 14th rolls around, something traumatic/stressful/just plain strange happens to me. So, it isn't a surprise that Valentines Day isn't my favorite holiday. Well, this year Cupid started "spreading the love" a little early. Let me set the stage for you: We're at school, and its second period. Polly rushed up to me with a gift bag- it was a Valentines present she had bought for me (even though I told her not to do anything! She is just so sweet, and couldn't resist. Have I mentioned that I absolutely adore my kind hearted twin?) and since Pete had helped in the buying/hiding of it, she had decided to give it to me at school a few days early. She handed me the bag, and left me to read the card she had so thoughtfully written. And oh, how sentimental it was...It brought me to tears. Placing the card aside, I opened the bag, and saw a gleaming pink Juicy Couture jewelry box. Excitedly, I popped open the lid....only to find the jewelry box empty. Puzzled, I called polly over, only to hear her utter the words "thats not possible." under her breath. The look on her face said it all. Sometime between first and second period, someone stole the necklace that had once occupied the box. Literally, it was like a scene out of a movie. Of course, Polly and I went to the office, and I tearfully filed a report. The school responded by searching the entire Act 1 teams purses/bags in hopes of finding it, but no luck. I am literally heartbroken over this...Because whoever it was that took it had to have seen the card (it wasn't in an envelope), and known that this was special. And yet, in their selfishness, they stole the necklace anyway. My mind can't even comprehend that kind of heartlessness. Its really sick....and just a little background on the gift- It had great sentimental value, and was picked out with special care by my sister. It was going to be an heirloom. And now, someone took not only the gift, but the joy it would bring for years to come. Sad, right? But on the other hand, as Polly so aptly said in her card, her hope in giving the gift was that I would have a "love-filled holiday", and that has most certainly happened. I have received several calls regarding the incident, had people praying over this ordeal, as well as people trying to help find the gift. Its nice to know that people care. I would love to say that the outpouring of compassion among my friends has made up for the stealing, but that would be a lie. I'm still devastated.
... And if there's any chance that whoever took it may be reading- I don't care who you are, I just want the necklace back. Please. It means more to me than it ever would to you. Don't spoil an act of kindness like this. So, just put it in my locker, or mail it to me...I don't even need to know who you are.
So anyway, I think this Valentines Day takes the cake for the weirdness factor. And the best part is, it's not even February 14th yet. Hope nothing else happens.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Thats Not My Name!

Today was an eventful day- I took the ACT for the first time today! Hooray! Getting up at 6:30 on a Saturday! Hooray! Not eating anything until 1 in the afternoon! Hooray! No breaks in between test sections! Hooray! But really, it wasn't THAT bad....except.... A little word of advice- If you ever have kids, or know people that have kids, or have a pet that you must name at any point in your life, NEVER let them go by their middle name. It is way much more trouble than its worth. Take me for instance- Every first day of school, time you sign up for something, or take a standardized test ( like today) I become "Kimberly Hilton". Its pretty inconvenient/embarrassing to have to raise your hand and correct a teacher on the first day. Talk about a killer first impression. On the ACT, I had to sign my name about 7 times, and every time the Ting Tings song- "That's Not My Name" started going on replay in the brain. And its not that I dislike Kimberly (I actually like it MORE than Claire), its just a bit confusing. Remember in grade school when kids used to go around and ask about middle names. Yeah. Well, whenever I asked, There was always some smartie pants kid that would say "Wait, so your name is Claire Claire Hilton" , totally missing the "go by the middle name concept altogether. So, for my sake, and your future children's sanity, think twice before letting them go by their middle name. Ok I'm done with the little rant now...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Our Amazingly Brilliant Plan!

Maddison and I will be millionaires by the time we're twenty. Why? Oh let me just tell you! We're starting a business- A "Bible Verse Jingle" business. After memorizing verse after verse for Bible classes over the years, we came to the conclusion that it is much easier to memorize if the words are put to music. Take John 1:14 for example. There is not a single Junior in Mr. Henson's B-3 Bible class that doesn't know that verse by heart thanks to a little ditty I made up. And as we sat in Act 1 this morning, it was Maddison's bright idea to turn our memorizing trick into a business. Just think- little videos in children's ministries at churches, sermon illustrations via song, and a hit cd on itunes all including originally written tunes that quote verses. Maddison would take care of the business side, and I (with the enlisted help of Will Green) would write the catchy songs. We would take America by storm!!! This is up there with our ideas for a Chase Jones Musical, and going to college at NYU together. Just goes to show that we get some serious work done in Act 1.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Allegro Awesomeness

I'm not a better, but I bet you $100 that I just had a better day than you did. Try saying that 5 times fast...Ok now that you've gotten that out of your system, let me tell you about what I did today. This afternoon, I had the extreme privilege of volunteering at "Allegro" (that means quickly or lively). Allegro is an organization that works with special needs people in the community and provides them with recreational dance and movement classes. The classes are only 30 minutes, but then you get to chat a bit afterwards, so it results in about an hour time commitment. Today, I had the pleasure to work with a little ballerina who what sooo super excited to dance. It was her first time doing anything like a dance class, so she was a bit overwhelmed. But we had a really great time playing with beanbags and doing the "zoo dance". I don't share this to brag about my community service, or to make you feel sorry for the disabled community in Charlotte- I say it to inspire you. I'm gonna start going every week, and I can bring friends with me to help volunteer. I promise you, it is so worth your time. The kids we worked with today were some of the most beautiful, and joyful people you will ever see- and they can dance! So if you wanna go with me sometime, let me know. It'll leave you smiling the rest of the day. I promise.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Stop The Stresses

I am dying inside. A slow, painful death. And its all my parents fault. I know I should be looking up colleges right now (thats what I'm supposed to be doing. On a snow day. Excellent.) but I can't. ITS STRESSING ME OUT! Literally, since Christmas break, thats all the parents have talked about- SAT, ACT, GPA, majors, tuition, qualifications, dream schools, state choices....the list never ends. And ok, I understand that they are just trying to help/be prepared/care. But its bothering me. All this needless chatter about schools is beginning to really irk me. My parents talk like it's gonna be a marathon to get me into school...and I don't understand that. Its making me doubt my abilities academically, and talent wise. Am I good enough to grace the presence of a University somewhere? Or am I gonna end up a hobo on the side of a highway thumbing for a ride? I know it sounds silly, but its where I'm at right now. I know its smart to start early, looking into the future I mean, but whew! I think I would almost prefer parents that didn't care as much. But then again, I'll probably thank them later. All I'm saying right now is it's gonna be a loooonnng year with all this. And thats on top of the summer programs I'm starting to look at, school to manage, Act 1 competitions, and shows that I'm working on. Gotta love parents and their impeccable timing on issues such as College searching. Pray for me. I'm gonna need it....
And in other news, HAPPY FEBRUARY! Wonder how this month is gonna be? hmm. Keep you posted :)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Let It Snow

Ah snow. Well, if we're being totally factual, its more like ice. Ah ice. Nothing like waking up to a white yard on a Saturday morning. Sure, it wasn't on a school day, but it's still fun. I've spent the weekend locked inside thanks to the wind chill getting some homework done. Talk about low key weekend. But its not like I could have gone anywhere- the neighborhood is literally blocked off with caution tape indicating "no driving". To many accidents on the hills in our neighborhood over the years have finally tipped off everyone. I've only gone outside twice, and both times it was pretty fun I must say. The first time was Friday afternoon, right when it really started to snow. My little brother and I played football for about an hour in it. We passed the ball back and forth, kicked a few field goals... It was a really good time, and one we'll remember. The second time was to go late night sledding with Polly. And may I just politely point out, that you have not LIVED until you have experienced some late night sledding. Polly and I have one of those old wood sleds that is perfect for going down the icy roads. And of course, as we're out sledding it starts snowing again. It was like a movie. Ah snow and ice. Maybe if we're lucky it'll refreeze and we'll get a day off tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So I haven't blogged in a week, and I just wanted to let you all know that I'm not dead or anything. It has just literally been insane around here the past two weeks- getting up at 6, going to bed past midnight. So, if you've been mauled in the face ( or accidentally ignored you while walking in the lunch room...sorry Aj and Jay) by a flash of read hair, please excuse me. Let me catch you up to speed on how life is going. In the past two weeks I have: had a test in every one of my classes, had to go into school an hour early 7 of the past 10 school days for various reasons, our family had a funeral all day Saturday ( and that was such a testament to a woman of faith. I was so blessed by it. If only I had time to blog about it...), I have been involved in play practices that literally drain me of all my youth- I'm supposed to be a well lived mother of four, after all.- had several church obligations, had to prep for singing at an open house this week, and try and fit in New Thru 30, all at the same time. Why do I tell you all this? Not so you can feel sorry for me, but to let you in on the little pearl of wisdom my mother shared with me last night. I was feeling super overwhelmed, and not at all like my usually optimistic self, and my mom just looked at me and said "Claire, the JOY of the Lord is your strength. So don't forget it, ok?" Talk about a good dose of perspective. Cuz, if God is for me, who can be against me, right? Anyway, I really don't even have time to be typing this right now.... government notes are calling my name.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


" Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life,to mind your own ambition, and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.- 1 Thessalonians 4: 11-12"
Oh man. I am LOVING new through 30. LOVING IT! I am learning so much, its insane. Today, I came across this little passage, and felt oh-so compelled to share it with the blogging world. Just to set the stage, Thessalonians was a letter that was written by Paul in the early stages of his ministry. It included history, encouragement, and instruction- basically it covers a little bit of everything. But anyway, this particular passage really spoke to me today- now, I could chat about a million parts of this passage, but the thing that screamed to me the loudest was the word quiet... and I'm not trying to be oxymoronic or anything. Here's my train of thought- So many people today in the church are loud and proud. And there is NOTING wrong with that. But this verse got me to thinking. In this day and age, when there are so many people practically screaming their views on every issue in the world, when activism is the norm, shouldn't we as Christians let our actions speak louder than our words? I mean, we were talking in government about how Christianity is declining in the nation at an alarming rate. And that is scary! But the last thing that people need, is more views shoved down their throat. Instead, we should "make it our ambition to live a quiet life" that honors the Lord, without shouting our views from the rooftops. My guess is that people would be much more open to listen if you're not screaming. A good deed, peppered with respect can say a lot more than words ever will. Now, I'm not saying don't witness. I'm just musing. Maybe, just maybe, this quiet is the loudest weapon we Christians have to use... I encourage you to read the entire book this week. Because I have been inspired. And it would be a shame to miss out on the inspiration.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

30 Days of Lessons

Well, my friends, the challenge is in full swing! You know what I'm talking about- NEW THROUGH 30! This initiative started by my church, is calling us all (literally no one is excluded) to read through the entire New Testament in 30 days. Talk about hard-core! We're talking around 10 chapters every day (30-45 minutes of reading at least). But of course my fantastic small group is walking through it together...and that just makes it all the more fun! Having just completed my assignment for day 4 of the challenge, I felt inclined to tell you all a bit of what I have learned thus far. So here we go!
  • Having gotten through Matthew and Acts, I must say- the Bible has some weird stuff going on you may have missed! Intestines spewing, being eaten by worms, an angel reclining on top of a tomb...yeah. Totally stuff worth noting. Just makes the Bible all the more awesome.
  • Jesus seems so much more of a person to me now. Ok, I know its cliché. But really though. Reading his entire ministry story back to back in one sitting made it click for me I guess. I had never noticed his raw emotions that he displayed so proudly while on earth- anger, sadness, even some fear. So now, he's more relatable and relational in my mind. I mean, I've always known that he was totally 100% human on earth, but now I realllllly "get it". Which is such a plus.
  • Jesus was totally the kind of guy that woulda peed on the side of the road...or fallen down flat on his face. I'm just saying.
  • The Bible is such a passionate book!!! All of the people involved are so very ardent about the love of Jesus, and will stop at nothing to get their point across. I wish there were more people in the community like that today....Its totally inspired me!
  • There is a NUDIST in the Bible!!! *gasp. But I won't tell you where. You'll just have to read for yourself and find him.
  • Contradictions do have explanations. And good ones too!
As you can see, I'm loving this initiative....And I really think you should do New Through 30 with me. You're not to far behind, and there are grace days built into the schedule. Find that here:
So come on! Read with me!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Once Upon a Saturday

Once upon a time, there was a big group of kids that wanted to go to the movies. Most of them had a rehearsal that ran late, causing them to have to be flexible and reschedule the original movie time planned. Before the movie, they all went to chick-fil-a, because they were all starving since they had been so busy (sitting and doing nothing) at rehearsal all afternoon. As they finished up their food, the kids started heading over to the movie theatre in little groups. They all planned on meeting in the ticket line. Then it happened. The movie sold out. A few of the kids had managed to slip in with the last few tickets, but the rest of the group was stuck- either left desolately on the curb or trying in vain to find the all elusive parking place. All were angry, because the movie was supposed to be top notch. They decided to regroup. The kids in the theatre got their money back, while the others froze outside. It looked as though the group was going to have a not so happy Saturday ever after...But then, a brilliant plan was hatched, and their insane disappointment over a silly movie suddenly turned into a raving party. And so, the group of kids lived happily ever after that Saturday night, in the comfort of the Brannock's home watching Ryan Reynolds propose to Sandra Bullock. THE END.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

*For Your Consideration IV *

Recent Findings:
Starbucks Must Haves: grande carmel dulce latte with extra carmel drizzle, or vinti iced passion tea lemonade (sweetened, of course).
Books of Choice: A Voice in the Wind, The Last Song'
Ear Candy: Jack Johnson's "En Concert", Frank Sinatra, The Princess and the Frog soundtrack.
New-Found Talent: Making up Shakespeare on the spot.
Newest Challenge: Singing a classical piece in Vocal Tech.
Current Frustrations: School's back in session, Aaron Tveit left Next to Normal before I got to see it, my house feels like a hospital, and I don't know if I'm good enough.
Flashback Moment: Re-watching Monica and Chandler get engaged in Friends.
Christmas Wish (Granted)- I now have an Ipod. Yesss.
Exciting Opportunity: Possible NY trip soon...??? I'll be sure to keep you posted :)
Shocking Fact(s)- Katy Perry's engaged, and Kate Gosselin's hair extensions (and no, I did not look it up. They popped up on yahoo when I was checking my emails. Like I said, quite Shocking!!!)
Anticipating: New through 30!
Not Excited About: cleaning up....which I must go do.
Quotation to ponder: "No big deal, I've hit my stride. If I'm not breaking the ribbon at the end of the race its only because I haven't tried."-Taking the Wheel