Thursday, February 4, 2010

Our Amazingly Brilliant Plan!

Maddison and I will be millionaires by the time we're twenty. Why? Oh let me just tell you! We're starting a business- A "Bible Verse Jingle" business. After memorizing verse after verse for Bible classes over the years, we came to the conclusion that it is much easier to memorize if the words are put to music. Take John 1:14 for example. There is not a single Junior in Mr. Henson's B-3 Bible class that doesn't know that verse by heart thanks to a little ditty I made up. And as we sat in Act 1 this morning, it was Maddison's bright idea to turn our memorizing trick into a business. Just think- little videos in children's ministries at churches, sermon illustrations via song, and a hit cd on itunes all including originally written tunes that quote verses. Maddison would take care of the business side, and I (with the enlisted help of Will Green) would write the catchy songs. We would take America by storm!!! This is up there with our ideas for a Chase Jones Musical, and going to college at NYU together. Just goes to show that we get some serious work done in Act 1.


  1. wait, i thought you came up with this idea! WHY DO OUR THOUGHTS GET SO CONFUSED WITH EACH OTHER?!?!

  2. hahaha I KNOW! Its because, contrary to Polly's belief, you and I are actually the same person.
