Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine's Tainted

Valentines Day has always been a weird holiday for me. I couldn't tell you why exactly, but its true. Without fail, whenever February 14th rolls around, something traumatic/stressful/just plain strange happens to me. So, it isn't a surprise that Valentines Day isn't my favorite holiday. Well, this year Cupid started "spreading the love" a little early. Let me set the stage for you: We're at school, and its second period. Polly rushed up to me with a gift bag- it was a Valentines present she had bought for me (even though I told her not to do anything! She is just so sweet, and couldn't resist. Have I mentioned that I absolutely adore my kind hearted twin?) and since Pete had helped in the buying/hiding of it, she had decided to give it to me at school a few days early. She handed me the bag, and left me to read the card she had so thoughtfully written. And oh, how sentimental it was...It brought me to tears. Placing the card aside, I opened the bag, and saw a gleaming pink Juicy Couture jewelry box. Excitedly, I popped open the lid....only to find the jewelry box empty. Puzzled, I called polly over, only to hear her utter the words "thats not possible." under her breath. The look on her face said it all. Sometime between first and second period, someone stole the necklace that had once occupied the box. Literally, it was like a scene out of a movie. Of course, Polly and I went to the office, and I tearfully filed a report. The school responded by searching the entire Act 1 teams purses/bags in hopes of finding it, but no luck. I am literally heartbroken over this...Because whoever it was that took it had to have seen the card (it wasn't in an envelope), and known that this was special. And yet, in their selfishness, they stole the necklace anyway. My mind can't even comprehend that kind of heartlessness. Its really sick....and just a little background on the gift- It had great sentimental value, and was picked out with special care by my sister. It was going to be an heirloom. And now, someone took not only the gift, but the joy it would bring for years to come. Sad, right? But on the other hand, as Polly so aptly said in her card, her hope in giving the gift was that I would have a "love-filled holiday", and that has most certainly happened. I have received several calls regarding the incident, had people praying over this ordeal, as well as people trying to help find the gift. Its nice to know that people care. I would love to say that the outpouring of compassion among my friends has made up for the stealing, but that would be a lie. I'm still devastated.
... And if there's any chance that whoever took it may be reading- I don't care who you are, I just want the necklace back. Please. It means more to me than it ever would to you. Don't spoil an act of kindness like this. So, just put it in my locker, or mail it to me...I don't even need to know who you are.
So anyway, I think this Valentines Day takes the cake for the weirdness factor. And the best part is, it's not even February 14th yet. Hope nothing else happens.


  1. What was the necklace going to be/supposed to be?
    I am so sorry Claire, this was heart breaking just to read...
    I love you very much and I hope it is returned to you soon!

  2. Apparently it was a butterfly...but i never even saw it! so yeah, hopefully i will get to see it though! Keep your fingers crossed!
