Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Thats What Best Friends Do

My friends rock. Like really. No joke, I think I have the best friends in the world. Yup, even better than your friends... Would any of your friends just hop on over to your house on a random Monday night for a Hugh Jackman movie fest complete with ice cream and the new TV just "because"? Thats what I thought. But really though- I have been SO blessed by the people that God has placed in my life since starting high school. Looking back, I realize how easy it could have been to slip on into a new high school and not be accepted into a group of "lifers" at CCS my freshman year. But that didn't happen. Instead I got a chance to meet an eclectic yet brilliant group of people who aren't afraid to have fun or "tell you how it is." My friends are crazy, passionate, goofy, and talented in many different areas that its hard not to brag on them all the time. They listen (well...most of the time anyway.) and always offer their advice, even if its not what I want to hear. Also, with my group of friends, I am constantly under a state of peer pressure- but in a good way! We keep each other motivated and out of trouble, which is a huge plus. And of course, none of us are afraid to be spontaneous- pancake house run on a random Wednesday? No problem. Going to two movies back to back on a school night? Done. Eating a big meal at California Pizza Kitchen, then spending money on random items at South Park Mall? A must do. And late night Hugh Jackman movie viewings? Those happen all the time! But you know what the BEST thing is about my group of friends? We're not exclusive. ANYONE can hang out with us- I'm talking band members, cross country stars, theatre geeks, basketball maniacs, smarty-pants people, and basically any other stereotypical student imaginable. We are the "unplaceable clique", and we love it! Come visit us at our lunch table(s) and find out!... This was a tad random. But then again, so was our movie party. And those kind of things are what make life exciting. So, have a very random and exciting day! I know I will. 

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