Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Gettin' By with a Little Help From My Friends

Oh goodness. So, “By Grace” practice? Where to start….First off, I haven’t been this sore/exhausted/ stressed in a loooong time. You would think that after spending a bajillion summers down at CPCC putting shows together in two weeks, I would be used to it. But nope. We’re talking practices lasting from 9:00am to 4:30ish pm for the last week and a half. Its been quite taxing. Not to mention the whole being sore thing (due to the crazy ballet that I have to do that I am so NOT in shape for. Oh Joy…) Plus, what with it being a new musical, we’re cutting, adding, moving, and fixing lines and songs left and right. To top it off, I play two parts in the show, thus resulting in 7 (maybe more???) full costume and wig changes through the course of an hour and a half show. I can barely keep my head on straight as to who I am when I go on. And all of this is set off by the fact that the director is the writer/lyricist of the show. Therefore, mistakes in line delivery or interp are NOT appreciated. Needless to say, the entire cast is a tad bit…*ahem. Overwhelmed. But everyone is really working super hard. That’s the great thing about our wonderfully eclectic cast- we’re all about the teamwork. And speaking of the cast, can I just say, the wonderful friendships I have gained/strengthened is what has made this week bearable….like my brilliant new freshman friends Lynn and Marta. Lynn is playing the slightly crazed, but elegant movie star Rita Gam, and she pulls it off with such style. But hey, if that gorgeous black dress fits, wear it! And “wear it” she does! And Marta (aka my other twin) is our horribly bratty, yet loveable school girl in our little show. Currently she is off cheerleading. I guess I’ll let that one slide…just kidding. Both girls are so incredibly hilarious, nosey, and insane. And I love it :) Cudos to them. Then, there’s Brewington, who can single handedly make the ugliest wig in the world look awesome. Other scene partners include the comic relieving Carson, and the adorable Katy, who together make a great team onstage. Karin and Erin are two of our seamstresses, and both are doing a marvelous job with scenes that are very close to my heart. Furthermore, I have never heard someone say “undershirts” quite like Matthew. And of course my good buddy Jay has the hardest job of all- he has to put up with me in BOTH of my 2 characters storylines. Which is quite the chore. But then again, he should probably be used to it by now. Never the less, we pull it off in yet another show this year. So I’m thinking more cudos are in order. Lastly, there is my astonishing and mega-talented twin sister Polly, who is single-handedly stealing the show from everyone. Being a lead, this week has been full of ups and downs for her. But as always she has risen to the occasion with such grace. Fitting, being as the show is titled “By Grace”…But really, I could probably write 5 pages about everyone and everything, but there just isn’t time. More practice in the morning, with the addition of Cory after a week long absence. It’ll be great to have her back. If your interested in seeing our little production, we’re doing a show next Monday…I mentioned earlier. But let me know if your coming!


  1. what time does it start on monday? i'm bringing the entire elevation church staff with me. (joke.)

  2. i bet some of that stress if plane involved... but don't worry, from the mounth of a well-traveled 16 year-old, i'll be freaken out right with you ( i hate flying! )
