Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mind The Gap

Windy Gap never ceases to surprise, thats for sure. I've been to Windy Gap  for six years now with school, and I have come to realize that there isn't any way to know what exactly you'll wind up dealing with while at the retreat. I've pretty much seen it all at "the gap"- from Polly trying to beat the Windy Gap record for most rides on the zip line in an afternoon (she got to 46. The record was 52), to a girl getting third degree burns from spilling hot coca on herself, to even staying up until 4:45 am watching Lord of the Rings in the County seat with all of our 8th grade class several years ago. Yes, Windy Gap is full of crazyness, and this year was no exception. From the start, this particular trip was a bit different what with it being AFTER homecoming. Usually, high school Windy Gap is full of the whole "whose  asking who to the dance???" drama. I thought with the dance being before Windy Gap this year, the drama would be at a minimum...yeah. Not so much. I'm pretty sure that there was MORE drama with it being after the dance, what with the class competitions coming to a close, and dance fiascos that had yet to be settled. It was sad, because this drama caused distraction to the main purpose of going, which was to be rejuvenated spiritually. Not to mention, the wether was odd- rain, and cold one day, then hotness the next. It was a rollercoaster trip all around I suppose. But it went right along with one of the main ideas of Pastor Marcy's points about the world we live in today. Using movies, Pastor Marcy illustrated the chaos of the world, and how humans struggle with various challenges like the search for a purpose, the  need for an identity, and the desire to be free from the shackles that bind us. He stressed that Christians need to know their "pressure points" (or what makes a person loose their footing, and turn back on their path towards Christ), that humans need to embrace and pursue the destiny God planned, and the importance of people accepting the freedom that Jesus provides. My very favorite quote of the week was said during the "7 Pounds" sermon- He said "Christianity is not the story of bad people becoming good, its about bound people becoming free." So many times the church hears of stories about people becoming a Christian, and now "they're a good person." This sermon really emphasized that its not about becoming a good person, but a free person. Needless to say, I LOVED the spiritual part of this years W.G. especially since it stressed the chaotic, just like the crazyness of the rest of the trip. God's timing, I guess. Anyway, I'm home now, and I'm so very worn out! But thats ok. I'm vegging out in front of our GIGANTIC brand new tv. I know. Its insane. I'm still waiting for a pig to fly by the window on that one, since we have NEVER gotten anything like this. Blue ray, DVR, flatscreen...I think I'm more excited about the idea of getting one than the actual TV itself. So, Windy Gap, super sermons, flatscreen Tv- who could ask for anything more? 

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