Tuesday, September 1, 2009


My, My- what an interesting past week its been. You know those times in your life when you feel like your moving so fast that you can't even stop and catch your breath? Yeah, I'm pretty much at one of those times right about now. It seems to me that everything is either starting, or ending, or switching up all of the sudden. Which, isn't necessarily a bad thing I suppose. It just is what it is. Here's what I'm talking about:
-Afternoon rehearsals are already in full swing for the Act One fall shows. I literally JUST got done with a show, and now BOOM! Here come two more! Which isn't bad, since I enjoy the wonderful thing that is theatre. Its just a tad bit overwhelming, what with school just starting and all that jazz.
-Windy Gap and Homecoming were switched this year. That means that in less than 20 days the festivities begin. Which leaves much to do about the rooms, and powderpuff etc...
-Another thing just starting at Elevation Church this week was 'The Uprising" (insert Maddison's loud voice here). Long story short, its the start of a student revolution in the city of Charlotte, and I'm in on it early! Theres going to be an event later this month that I'm super excited about, thats geared towards students. As always, we're gonna do it up right, and to God be the glory! Thats one change that I really am pumped about. I'll keep you updated with deets.
-I'm starting dance again. Crazy, I know. Because, lets face it- I don't have time for that. But I know that it would be really good for me to get back into the swing before college auditions come around....college. Weird-ness.
-I finally finished watching all 10 seasons of "Friends". I know thats stupid to write about, but even so. For two years now, I've been enjoying the "lives" of the 6 characters that I feel like I know, and now its over. The worst part was that I didn't even have any tropical starbursts (aka. heaven, making them the ultimate comfort food ever) to eat when it was over. I guess I'll just have to start re-watchin'! 
...anyway, thats just naming a few of the items that I've begun to juggle this past week. I can tell that this year is going to be a learning process; I guess thats a good thing. But for now, this naturally cheery optimist is feeling a tad down and out. But hopefully, that too will change soon. 


  1. Ohhhh... so that is what uprising is about! congrats on starting up dance (I remember that you talked about it after watching Billy Elliot!)And yes you have my sympathy , the final episode of Freinds was probably one of the saddest moments I have seen on TV...

  2. claire, why was i uninformed about your return to dance?
