Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"Hit Him!" With an Argument

So, new found fact about Claire Hilton- I can really debate. I know, shocking. "How did you make this astounding revelation?" you may ask. Well, let me inform you! This week in Bible class, we are doing a debate project in regards to Calvinism v. Arminianism. Now right off the bat I'll just tell you that I'm not totally sold on either belief in its entirety. But then again, we're not done learning about it yet. But anyway, I was assigned to debate the "free will" side of Arminianism. And to be honest, I was freaking out about the whole debate prospect. This was a first time experience (debating until a winner is decided), so I honestly had no clue how I would do. I was so very scared of freezing on the spot. But thankfully that did NOT happen. Actually, it was quite the opposite. I guess you could say, I got passionate about the argument. It was really funny- I shot down a TON of points, and basically ended the debate by making the other side admit to free will in regards to choice. I think half the kids in my class that are on the opposite side hate me now. After we finished, my teacher laughed, since at school I'm perceived as the more "chill" twin. I don't think anyone was expecting the quick, pointed attitude out of me. I certainly wasn't. So, long story short, I found a new talent! Now, how much good it'll do me- I don't know. But all my mom's been saying since I told her is "Destination: Law School!" Ha. Yeah Right. Like that'll ever happen.

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