Monday, June 8, 2009

"The Start of a Beautiful Friendship"

And here it is. My blog…I’m amazed that I actually made one. I’ve been talking about creating a blog for about a year now, but have just been far too busy (or lazy) to actually follow through with it. I’m sure all my friends are quite tired of my “blog talk” without really having one. I’m always having the same conversation. I say “I have so much to say about stuff, and so many lessons I’m learning…I should…I should START A BLOG!” and my best friends are always quick to reply “YOU SHOULD!” And yet, I never have… But now I’ve actually done it! I, Claire, have a blog! That definitely deserves a pat on the back, if I do say so myself. To be quite honest, I have no clue as to what all I’m going to write on this… For all I know, it could turn out being overly happy word-vomit every post. Because, typically, I’m an optimist that can find a silver lining in every situation, no matter how annoying that silver lining may turn out to be. So, this is the disclaimer- for whoever may be reading- This might just turn out to be the most boring, and aggravatingly positive blog in the history of blogging. But you never know. It could turn out to be interesting. I always have a lot to say about God stuff, opinion stuff, and random stuff. Maybe someone will get something out of it….


  1. gosh that post was so positive that my mouth hurts from so much smiling. I AM SO EXCITED! random side note-i always thought it was, "just you and me AND conversation," but "in" makes a lot more sense. can't wait to hear what you have to know this means you're gonna have to actually start reading my blog since i'm gonna read yours?

  2. I am so stinking excited...and although Maddison beat me to the fist comment I'm honored to be among the first. I can't wait to see what you have to say! ;)

  3. oh maddison...leave it to you to correct me on that. haha but listen to it again- total mumble moment!!! and I'm reading, I'm reading...yeah I'm pretty much reading everyones blog now.
